Saturday, 9 January 2010

Chingay 2010

Once again, we are joining the JAS Chingay parade contingent. This will be the 3rd year running that we are joining the Chingay parade under JAS, but the first year that we are joining as an independent group.

The first time round was kind of a fluke, with majority of those who signed up initially failing to turn up, and the couple that were left invited assistance from the club and hence we joined.

The second time round, we joined the NUS group directly, however attendance from people other than the few of us was poor, and the people who initially signed up vanished too, leaving none but our club people and a friend of one of them.

Thus, we decide to go independent, which is good as well since NUS appears to have given up organising a group of their own since attendance had been pathetic the past 2 years. Might as well establish contact on our own and build up the ties.

This year's practice schedule is a bit tight. With the parade being in Feb, practice didn't begin until Jan. But then again, the regime this year is a lot easier than the past 2 years. Which is good! And we are in a different group this year too. Change. Looking forward to the actual parade itself ^^

1 comment:

WinsonKOH said...

So true as one from my school also fail to turn up for all practice sessions due to club commitments. He should've told us earlier and we could've get a replacement for him. I'm from Temasek Polytechnic from Blue Kimono team and nice to meet you. :D