Friday, 6 June 2008

2/3 done, just a bit more left

Today marks the end of my attachment over at the drug information service. Starting from next week till the end of the preceptorship, I'll be over at the outpatient pharmacy, which reputedly is the most hectic and chaotic (and others) place. Can't really say that I'm looking forward to it, but it's almost the end, so let's just brave it through.

Something interesting happened today too. In the afternoon, we got a request to help identify a tablet. It was a white, oval, scored tablet with the 3 numbers 250 imprinted on one side. So what's so interesting about this? The interesting part is that we can't find the identity of this tablet even after searching through various resources and references. Even looking up the medication history of the patient didn't help out. In the end, by checking with the drug information service of the hospital that supposedly dispensed the tablet, we found out that it is likely that it is a generic drug that is a combination of 3 antiviral drugs - zidovudine, lamivudine, and nevirapine.

Well, that might be going into the special situations log. See how first^^




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