Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Watching a movie!

I watched a movie tonight! Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, that's the name of the movie. It is a sequel to the movie Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, both of which are based on novels by C.S. Lewis

A little research (on Wikipedia) shows that there are a total of 7 novels from the Chronicles of Narnia - that's as many as the number of novels in Harry Potter! But the novels are from 50 years back, in the 1950s. The story is pretty interesting though, for something that was written so long ago. Indeed, a classic IMO.

Okay, back to my day in work. The past two days were spent in the store, where we learnt about how they order items, receive items, supply items, and the basics of how the pharmacy store operates. Though it is likely of no significant importance for most of us, it is still a good experience and good knowledge to have. Though we pretty much ended up doing minor work like the labeling of E-kits.

I also managed to get my preceptor to sign for my prescription writeups, and only have to rewrite the case review into another form. Pretty much left with the drug information part and some other minor logs^^




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