Sunday, 5 April 2009


Tried something new out at Facebook. Yeah. I'm still fooling around with those applications even though I should be spending my time on something more constructive. Whatever.

Back to the topic. MouseHunt is this game where you play a mousehunter (duh) that is tasked with catching mice that infest this kingdom. Basically, you get money and points for each mice you catch, so that you can get more bait (cheese) and new traps to catch more mice, so that you can buy more and so on and so forth. Quite a no brainer.

The catch is that you can't act, as in to go out and attempt to catch mice, more than once in 15 minutes. The actions don't accumulate, so you can't get the most out of it unless you sit at your computer and check out the application once every 15 minutes, but for the most part, it's meant as a little diversion when you're busying with other things on the computer.

Overall, I think it's a rather interesting game. At the very least, the traps and the mice are kind of cute. Let's try it out for a while longer and see how it goes.



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