Saturday, 30 May 2009

A bit more

Let's talk a bit more about my work, and why I'm happy about my results, especially that for the FYP. To be honest, I did very little work for my project. If anyone remembers, I was posting about myself procrastinating, and how I really need to start work before it's all too late and all that stuff. That was me talking about my project progress, which was really nothing at all for the whole of the first semester.

I did start a bit in the data collation part, but I left it alone after spending no more than a couple of hours over 2 weeks in it after I have shown my graduate student in charge that I know what to do and that I'm doing something. Then I left everything aside over the entire December holidays and play and relax.

Only this year, around end January, did I pick up my work again and rush to meet the deadlines that are coming up. It was real madness. Having to rush everything that everyone else took months to complete over a few weeks. I pretty much did everything from zero to completion over a span of 5-6 weeks. My graduate student in charge helped enormously too, but I guess I must be a disappointment to her, seeing as I've just thrown the project aside till the last moment.

Yeah, it was wrong on my part, but the project wasn't really what I wanted, and it turned out to be a disappointment to me too when I know what we were going to do and achieve, and the supervisor wasn't much of a help too. Oh well, at least everything is done and over.



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