Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Commencement 2009

I have already registered for commencement a long time ago, but it's only recently that I placed an order for the graduation gown. In fact, I've only just placed the order just tonight. I've actually looked at the order form before, but as I'm not sure of certain things, such as the sizes and stuff, I delayed ordering until today.

I also went ahead and checked the time and date for my ceremony. When I originally registered for commencement, the schedule was not out yet, but it was available some time later, which one of my friends had since checked out, and my mother has been hounding (sorta) me for. Anyways, my ceremony is scheduled on the 9th of July, 10am in the morning. Not too early, nor too late. Quite a good timing, if I may say so myself.



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