Wednesday, 28 May 2008

About wards and dispensing

As I've mentioned yesterday, I went down to the level 4 wards with the pharmacist in-charge to walk around, observe the wards and look through the cases.

There are 4 wards at level 4, and all 4 of them are different. One of the wards is an ICU, where I've already been to previously with another pharmacist, one of the wards is a medical ward with focus on respiratory and cardiac cases, one of the wards is a psychiatric ward, and the last one is a little special - for certain people that have done something wrong...well, you get the point I guess.

To put it simply, the medical ward is pretty much the same as that of the other wards that I've been to with my preceptor. The difference is in the type of patients admitted and their medical conditions.

As for the psychiatric ward, the layout is a bit different. The number of beds per ward is less, some important rooms like the doctor's room and utility room are kept under numeric lock, the patients have free movement around the ward, access for visitors to the ward is restricted, the patients have a common dining area for their meals, there are recreation activities such as a common TV and other things for the patients to occupy their time, there are certain accessories in the ward for the patients to destress...and so on and so forth. Basically, there are a lot of special things that are unique to this ward along with other special equipments.

The last special ward is a lot more unique. There are locks and bars separating the ward from the rest of the hospital and there are also policemen on station in the ward along with 24/7 observation. Even hospital staff are also restricted to a limited area in the ward. Basically, it's like a high security area~

Something else to mention is that there had been a slight change in the schedule for my group. Originally, there were 4 of us together in my current department, but 2 of us are transferred to another department today, as the in-charge there feels that having all 4 of us there will be too overwhelming, hence the decision to split us up.

Also, I and my friend originally arranged with the pharmacist in-charge of TPN (Total Parental Nutrition) to go around with her this evening, but she it seems that she had forgotten about us and went ahead without us ~.~ Oh, TPN means that the patient gets all the necessary nutrition from an IV line. Oh well, she did say that we can arrange with her to follow her on another day. Guess we'll just do that.



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