Sunday, 4 May 2008

The beginning of the end

Assuming that a week starts on Sun, this is the beginning of the end, as this week is the last week of exams! Though the last paper don't happen till Fri, which is still 4 papers and 5 days later =.=

Anyways, finally did some studying after 2 days of pretty much dreaming and playing and what not. Went through the tutorials for PK and more or less got an idea of how solve the problems, draw the graphs and utilise the equations. Urine data problems are still a major problem (and pain) though...hopefully not too many questions will be posted based on urine data =x

Some last things to do before the paper at 1300 tomorrow is to check up which equations are not provided (and to see if there is a need to consciously remember those) and to do a quick read of the wall of texts that are also part of the lecture materials - hopefully these won't play a major part, but with that 2nd lecturer, who knows?

Talking about today, we went to had dinner over at Expo - at the Macau Express located there. The food is not too bad, but the price is far too expensive IMO. After which, we went to take a look at an exhibition that is still going on over in the halls and managed to snatch a 37" LCD TV at supposedly 50% off - last day offer supposedly. Well, I guess an LCD TV of that size at a price tag of around $900 is quite cheap and a nice bargain(*^^)v





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