Monday, 5 May 2008

Pharmacy papers, Part 1 ❤❤❤♡ ★☆☆☆

Finished my first pharmacy paper today. Quite a disaster >.< First, the MCQs are quite a pain and confusing and ambiguous at some parts and the choose the best option(s) - best options? best means only one =.= - questions are a real pain too.

But! The biggest hiccup was in the essay questions. I don't remember the points for the first two questions (which were by the other lecturer that I had mentioned earlier) and mostly just smoked through them. The other two questions were supposed to be so easy that they were a giveaway, yet, I made a fatal error in the last one and omitted a certain Clast/k value... ARGHHH!!!!!! ヾ(`д´)ノ *bangs wall*

On well... what's over is over, no point brooding over it. 1 ♥ down (-HP) and 1 ☆ filled up (one paper over). Three left to go... no more stupid/silly mistakes this time!!

今日は最低だ。試験に許さない間違えをした。。。(*≧д≦) これで二つ目の試験が終わったが、何とか悔しい。。。もしもっと勉強と練習をしたら、このようなことは発生しないかもしれない。もう仕方ないけど、やっぱり悔しい。。。あぁ、もう!!次の試験にがんばらないと!

そういえばメロッメロンも今日成長したよ。けど、色が変わった。赤からオレンジになった。( ̄□ ̄;)


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