Saturday, 17 May 2008

Manga and buffet dinner

Went down to Kino this afternoon and bought a total of 8 manga books. Wanted to buy the 空の境界 novels initially, but it seems like the local Kino store only stocks the 3 volume version when what I wanted to get was the newer 2 volume release. Guess I might just put off the idea or get it through other means. Let's think more about it first.

Dinner was settled at a wedding anniversary celebration for my grand-uncle. It was a buffet dinner that was held at a function room at a condominium that his son lives in. The food was pretty okay, but it seems like their family really likes prawns, since many of the dishes there have prawns.

Still have to complete my case study and finish reading the other 2 articles that my preceptor printed out for me so that I have something to say or account to her on Tue - Mon is a public holiday, so no work. Yeah for the long weekend~^^/



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