Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Into the track

The train service from Queenstown to Jurong East was disrupted for a period of around 50 minutes this morning at around 7am. Thanks to that, I believe many students who are heading to school had their trips disrupted. Not only so, the major bus services that head down to our school originate around the Buona Vista region, which was one of the stations in the affected region. Other services that do head down over there were also due further west, or further off towards the southeast. This meant that those from the east were abruptly disrupted, and had to try to find ways to still get to school, and yet be able to make it for morning lessons. Impossible.

The reason for the disruption was because someone actually fell into the track. Naturally, the person died. Was it intentional, or was it an accident? From the news that I saw, it appears that it was an accident, and not a suicide. Quite a sad thing to happen. I guess it's really due time for them to do something, like adding fences and doors to stop people from accidentally, or intentionally falling into the tracks.



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